Top LLM Tools for Marketers to Save Their Time and Money

You can survive in the future only if you are flexible with technology. With the advancement in LLM tools, agencies can save time and money and use these resources for other projects. We have covered top free and almost free LLM tools to help marketers stay ahead of the competition.

Top LLM Tools for Marketers to Save Their Time and Money
LLM Tools for Marketers

Previously, marketing techniques were mostly printing, banners, and TV ads. For this, companies used to pay lots of money to designers to design attractive ads, content writers to write engaging content, and then media to display and promote their ads. But now, social media has changed the game completely. If someone gets only an hour free from work, they will spend it on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and WhatsApp. With the advent of large language models, creating ads has become easier than ever. There are plenty of tools that reduce the time and cost of creating and promoting ads on social media. Our guide will revolve around understanding how LLMs simultaneously help marketing agencies save time and cost. Interested? Stay with us. You will be surprised as we discuss free and almost free tools to help you struggle with creating stunning ad images and content.

What are Large Language Models?

A large language model (LLM) is a deep learning method that can handle various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Large language models are massive because they are trained on massive datasets using transformer models. As a result, they can now recognize, translate, anticipate, or produce text or additional content.

Large language models, sometimes called neural networks, are computer architectures inspired by the human brain's architecture. Similar to neurons, these neural networks operate through a layered network of nodes. Forecasts indicate that the global LLM market is expected to grow from $6.4 billion in 2024 to $36.1 billion by 2030. The CAGR between 2024 and 2030 will be 33.2%.

Large language models can be trained for various tasks, including interpreting protein structures and writing complex computer code. We can also use them to train artificial intelligence systems to speak human languages. Like the human brain, large language models must be pre-trained before being adjusted to handle tasks like text classification, question answering, document summarizing, and text production. The problem-solving skills of AI solution providers can be used in all sectors, including finance, entertainment, and healthcare. We can also use large language models for many applications, such as translation, chatbots, AI assistants like Gemini AI, and more.

Top LLM Tools to Empower Budget-Minded Marketers

Large Language Models (LLMs) transform marketing by automating tasks and producing unique content. Although expensive LLM tools are available, there are also great free solutions to enhance your marketing efforts without going over budget. Here are some excellent choices for various marketing requirements:

1. Image Creation: Ideogram

Ideogram is a free AI image generation tool that allows you to unleash your inner artist and bring your craziest visual ideas to life. With Ideogram, anybody can quickly and easily create eye-catching and distinctive pictures, regardless of their creative background. All you have to do is provide Ideogram with a text description of your idea, and its state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology will turn your words into an enthralling visual masterpiece. Ideogram is the ideal platform to spark your creativity, and it's free! Explore the limitless possibilities of AI-generated art with this platform. It is an ideal tool for creating eye-catching social media graphics and stunning concept art.

When we asked it:

[A lone astronaut gazes out of their helmet window at a distant, ringed planet bathed in the warm glow of a setting sun. A retro-futuristic spaceship with glowing tubes rests in the foreground.]

it responded exceptionally like that:

Ideogram prompt response
Ideogram prompt response


2. Written Content Creation: Bard (Google AI)

Bard is a potent LLM from Google AI that can produce a variety of artistic text forms upon request. Do you need assistance developing ideas for blog posts, creating compelling product descriptions, or creating captions for social media posts? Bard might be a useful tool in your toolbox for creating content. It is an ideal tool for producing many creative text formats, such as scripts, emails, letters, poetry, code, and music.

When we asked it:

[Title: Demystifying the Future: A Look at Emerging Technologies Shaping Our World (or a more specific title based on your desired technology focus).

Target Audience: General audience with an interest in technology but not necessarily a technical background.

Wordcount: at least 1000 words]

it responded exceptionally like that:

Bard response to a prompt
Bard response to a prompt

Free to use

3. Social Media Sharing: Buffer Publish

It's critical to make time for smart marketing activities. With Buffer Publish, you can plan and schedule your posts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and other social media networks. This LLM-powered tool even determines when posting is most effective regarding reach and engagement. It is an ideal tool for planning and maximizing postings on social media on several platforms.



  • Free: $0 for 3 channels
  • Essentials: $5/month for 1 channel
  • Teams: $10/month for 1 channel
  • Agency: $100/month for 10 channels

4. Data-Driven Market Analysis & Insights (Limited Free Options)

For an in-depth market study, there isn't a single LLM that is free, but consider these alternatives:

  • Google Trends: Investigate search patterns to learn about consumer preferences and audience behavior with Google Trends.
  • Social Media Listening Tools: You can track industry discussions and monitor brand mentions with tools like Hootsuite and Tweetdeck, which provide limited free plans.

5. Innovative Headline Generator: Hypotenuse AI

Content is king, and the importance of a well-written headline cannot be understated. Hypotenuse AI Headline Generator sits at the crossroads of marketing expertise and artificial intelligence, providing a comprehensive solution for companies looking to boost their online visibility. The key to Great Headlines is its ability to quickly produce appealing headlines that not only capture attention but also convey your main message and encourage engagement with your target audience.

You can enter your

  • Topic or headline (required)
  • Main keyword (recommended)
  • Tone (recommended)
  • Target audience (recommended)
  • Brand (recommended)
Hypotenuse AI
Hypotenuse AI


  • 7-days free trial.
  • Entry: $19/month
  • Essential: $56/month
  • Blog Pro: $150/month

6. Content Idea Generator: Portent Idea Generator

Portent Idea Generator is a free AI tool that can generate excellent blog ideas based on your keywords. Didn't like the generated idea? You can click “See Another Title” several times to see the multiple idea variations. We checked this tool for the keyword "Future of Artificial Intelligence," and its generated idea is here:

Portent Idea Generator
Portent Idea Generator


  • Free to use

Why Marketers Need LLM Optimization (LLMO)?

Similar to how the science of browser-based searching gave rise to search engine optimization (SEO), marketers must now capitalize on the emerging field of LLM optimization (LLMO).

Traditional search algorithms are not the same as the algorithms that drive LLMs. Google SGE uses ranking criteria that are different from the standard Google algorithm. The conventional search engine prioritized links that were judged authoritative, thorough, and pertinent. Websites strongly emphasizing backlinks, metadata, and keyword density achieved top ranks.

On the other hand, LLMs are designed to rapidly assemble a precise and persuasive response. When sharing a response, they extract information from various modalities (text, picture, video) and content kinds (reviews, brand site content, user-generated content). The LLM responses follow the user's current stage of the purchasing process, following them from their original inquiry to follow-up inquiries. Therefore, there's a greater chance that websites with content that the LLM can quickly index will be mentioned in the answer.

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is an essential part of LLM search. While responding, LLM also uses additional context, like web content and company documents, to augment its basic model. If marketers need to change the LLM response, they must update their strategy. So, when a consumer searches for a particular query, their products or services appear instead of those of their competitors.

Solution to LLM Optimization

Here comes the importance of “Strategic text sequence.” According to Harvard researchers’ latest study, a particular strategic text sequence boosts the chances of a particular brand appearing in answer to a specific query. It will allow other brands to appear in search results rather than a few famous ones everyone knows. LLMO will revolutionize how we search for relevant yet affordable products/services.

Wrapping Note

Advances in AI models are transforming content marketing across sectors. Combining several kinds of data makes creating diverse, compelling, and personalized content easier.

These AI models may gather detailed information about customer behavior and preferences, allowing marketers to tailor their plans more efficiently. GenAI cannot replace the human element in technical content marketing despite its tremendous reach. A professional team guarantees your message is effective, resonant, and personal. So, never rely on AI tools completely; they always need commands from an expert human in that field, and they need to maintain the intelligence balance between humans and machines to enjoy the countless possibilities of technology.