10 Ways AI Will Change The World By 2050
By 2050, AI will reach remarkable advancements that will be beyond many people's wildest dreams. Robots will not only be able to attain, but also generate, that task in a cost-effective, timely, and meticulous manner, hence increasing efficiency.

AI is influencing every industrial department and humans virtually. It's the driver of leading emerging technologies, including robotics, IoT, and big data, and it would be the technological innovator in the predictable future.
AI ingeniously mimics human behavior and standard reaction patterns to compete with them in almost every industry field. AI helps in programming machine technologies to do a variety of everyday tasks with high perfection and is already ubiquitous in digital lives, from smart devices to chatbots. Thanks to the computers that can store enough data related to human activities, purchases, and movements to build potentially strong AI. After all, researchers use this information to train machines for predicting, learning, and forecasting purposes.
How will computers be used in the future? well... It is predicted that humans will be in a sleepwalking era where trillions of computers and machines will think like humans in AI's advanced future. A professor from the University of New South Wales, Walsh, wrote series of technology predictions for 2050 about AI in his book “Artificial Intelligence from the Logic Piano to Killer Robot."
Here is the list of the top 10 ways AI will change the world in 2050.
AI involvement helps doctors and physicians to offer personalized treatments to the patients. The technology allows hospital to collect massive data related to other similar diseased patients and AI uses this data to advise a treatment. AI comes with a customized medication revolution to treat severe conditions, including brain cancer tumors. AI is already boosting disease diagnosis, streamlining drug discovery, and providing virtual nursing assistance.

How artificial intelligence is changing the world? In 2021, we cannot claim what diseases will threaten human life in the coming years, but treatments and vaccines for trending conditions will undoubtedly be produced by 2050 with futuristic technology ideas. According to the scientists, in leading 20 years, they will prepare a vaccine against HIV spreading that's roughly killing 1.5 to 2 million people yearly. The Daily Mirror updated the statistics shared by Martin Wiselka (infectious disease consultant at the University Hospital of Leicester NHS Trust). They will interact with the virus deeply to understand how to make the body system immune against HIV.

Doctors already know the treatment of Malaria, but many operational units are working to eliminate this disease forever. Some expect to prepare a vaccine, while others work to produce genetically modified mosquitoes with self-destruction power. Moreover, scientists are going closer and closer to the efficient treatment of Alzheimer's disease with the proper understanding of its cause. The US already prepared a meningitis vaccine that other countries soon start producing and using on the patients.
Cancer will be no more an untreatable disease by 2050 as treatment of some types is in progress. Recently, doctors cured a young child suffering from leukemia via a rheumatoid arthritis drug and a woman via a modified measles vaccine. Nanoparticles are specialized particles for attacking cancerous stem cells that cause cancer if left untreated.
Scientists hope to upload and save human brain content in computers, allowing humans to stay alive in a robotic body like a hologram via 2050 technology.
Randel Koene & Dmitry Itskov strive to transfer brain functioning and human consciousness by 2045 in an artificial body. Popular Science explains that they will map the brain, reduce its computational activity, and reproduce this activity in code.
Koene elaborated his work as it's not about getting immortality goal but allowing people to achieve impossible things in their lives; for instance, traveling near the sun. Scientists are working to preserve human brains via immersions in chemical solutions to store their brainy content indefinitely. Scientist of the Brain Preservation Foundation said:
"If we could put the brain into a state in which it does not decay, the second step could be done 100 years later, and everyone could experience mind uploading first-hand."

It is the beginning of AI rise where advanced systems increasingly start managing works. Further, computers will help schedule routine activities, approve holidays, monitor, and appreciate your performance. And excitingly, humans will hand over hiring and firing the employees based on their weekly, monthly, and yearly performance. But humans shouldn't hand over decision-making to robots as these are not lenient like a human boss and fire the employee without listening to them. Professor Welch wrote in his book:
"We will have to learn when to say to computers, 'Sorry, I can't let you do that.' It's not enough for a machine to do a task better than a human. There are some decisions we should not allow machines to make."

Reward and Punishment is another field where AI will become extra strong in the future. AI researchers do experimentation in two primary areas that deal with the reward and punishment section.
- Reinforcement learning: Rather than labeling data, this field deals with the reward and punishment section. The given system is in use by the
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN): It helps computers create new algorithms by competing for two nets against each other rather than just accessing.
Approximately 707 million cybersecurity violations occurred in 2015, and the cases in the first half of 2016 were 554 million. Businesses struggle to stay one step ahead of hackers. USC specialists said that AI-enabled self-automation and learning could secure data efficiently and more systemically. Moreover, it will save people from terrorism and identity thieves on a smaller scale. AI offers tools and new technology that will change the world for search patterns related to malicious computer applications and software to protect massive data from stealing.

Cybercrime is not efficient enough in dealing with malware and phishing attacks, but it will change the game. It will surpass human hackers, and the only defense they would use will be another AI system. Warfare is circulating in the cyberspace environment, but these strategies will readily find their way in a civilian area.
Remember, the companies providing a defending system also launch their attacking system. It's well-known that antivirus companies first produce their viruses to treat them via their antivirus coding. Its, however, a challenge to use AI for protection and security purposes.
AI will significantly influence the transportation industry by providing self-driving automobiles that don't need human assistance and even reduce accident chances. Unlike humans, AI efficient systems stay aware of their environment without losing their attention. Thanks to Google for autonomous cars development, by 2030, these vehicles will be accessible to every citizen with the rise in technology. Driverless trains are already launched in European states while Boeing is busy building an autonomous jetliner; however, it will still require pilots to update the information in its system. In addition, a decade or more is needed when autonomous cars start ferrying humans from their offices to homes.
By 2050, all railroads, skies, and plane roads of the planet will be occupied by autonomous ships, trains, cars, and planes. These vehicles, including the year 2050 cars, will transport humans and cargo without a driver. Moreover, it will improve safety for children and aged persons by detecting them when passing the road via ethical intelligence. Professor Walsh predicted that:
"Planes carrying people will probably continue to be piloted by humans. But after several decades of safe fights by cargo planes, the debate will begin whether humans should still be airline pilots."

With new futuristic technology, people could send commands to Netflix to ready a custom movie for them. They will have access to choose their favorite virtual characters and enjoy custom feature movies. But unfortunately, it could be a threat to the movie's studios running by humans as people start loving their created movies by AI. On the other hand, artificial intelligence will also support examining the movie script and predicting how people will react on that topic. Thus, it will help the writer write the exceptionally great script and indicate its box office potential.
Professor Walsh's prediction for future technology in his book that artificial intelligence will host TV shows and forecast news. AI can write simple stories related to sports and finance, but by 2050, it will be efficient enough to write complex stories. Robotic cameras will make the movies, while chatbots and avatars will play the role of presenters. Further, humans would set their personal preferences and watch news of their interest. He wrote in his book:
"There will be an ongoing debate about the biases of algorithms, especially when humans take no part in deciding what news we see. Our viewpoints are shaped by the lens through which we look at the world. Will algorithms challenge us enough? Will they understand lies and deception? Will they care about what we care about?"
Journalism is adapting AI in its system and will continue getting benefits from it. For instance, Bloomberg creates complex financial reports quickly via Cyborg technology. Likewise, the Associated Press produces 3700 reports yearly by using extraordinary natural language processing strategies; its automated insights increased to speed up to 4x than in the recent past.

Artificial intelligence will eliminate the need for human workers to run organizations and invent new industries and new jobs for them. You must be thinking, what more would be done by AI in the future?
Hans Moravec from Carnegie Mellon University predicted that freely moving (intellectually and physically) robots will run businesses by themselves by 2050. He explained in Scientific American:
"These robots could allow humans to occupy their days with a variety of social, recreational and artistic pursuits, not unlike today's comfortable retirees or the wealthy leisure classes."
By 2050, AI will reach remarkable advancements that will be beyond many people's wildest dreams. Robots will not only be able to attain, but also generate, that task in a cost-effective, timely, and meticulous manner, hence increasing efficiency.
Future robots 2050 will also provide emotional support to humans; AI researcher David Levy predicted that humanoid robots would be developed by 2050 with emotions and the capability to making a relationship with humans via intelligent talks. Levy mentioned in New Scientist:
"Is this the ultimate sex toy? Of course, it could be considered as such, but the sophisticated sex robots of the middle of this century will also be valued as relationship partners in the widest sense of the word, someone to love."

Artificial intelligence will help old and aged people stay separate and independent in their future homes in 2050. Further, AI tools will provide them robots in home 2025 to access healthy foods, take things higher carefully, and track motion towards their house. In addition, great AI-based tools will perform several other jobs by becoming a human partner in their elderly life. AI-supported work is even more critical in dangerous areas, including mining, cleaning mines, dealing with radioactive materials, and firefighting. AI is driving elder care choices and documenting everything from bathroom trips to whether or not a person has showered.
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES stated that 18 people die on an average day while waiting for an organ transplant. Technology is introducing exciting approaches to secure life while people wait for a transplant. Artificial hearts, the next significant invention, are raised that keep the patient alive temporarily before the correct heart placement. Further, dialysis replaces the patient’s kidneys who require a transplant. It is estimated that in the coming 35 years, transplant patients will find lab-grown and artificial organs as a more authentic solution than actual organ transplants. Hence, they do not have to wait for the donor to donate the body organ and for the doctor to transplant it. Scientists are already using lab-prepared vaginas and bladders to help people spending everyday life. Luke Massella is one of the happier and healthier patients implanted with an artificial bladder ten years ago. Plus, heart, lungs, and skin transplants are on their way to success.
This artificially grown organ technique can be joined with 3D printing of patients' stem cells to remove the chances of organ rejection. In this process, scientists will remove stem cells from the patient's body and grow them artificially in the laboratory. After it, these will be planted in a 3D printed patient's body part.
Scientists are not stopping here as they are looking for other reliable methods to find organ shortage solutions and make them easily accessible for everyone. For example, researchers at the University of California announced the creation of artificial kidneys in mice. It could have the potential to eliminate human-to-human transplants and dialysis needs. Another experiment resulted in the formation of complete liver from a small artificially grown kidney bud.

It is expected that the world's population will increase significantly in the coming three decades, and with it, our food demand will also rise. Thanks to AI and tech that will change the world, it is working hard to improve present farming strategies. Its primary aim is to reduce the food wastage chances and increase its production without influencing environmental peace.

John Deere's Auto Trac system is unique in enabling machines to plant trees and crops in a much uniform way. It helps to reduce tilling, growing, and fertilizing overlapping processes which ultimately reduce the chemical use and hence, boost quality crop production. Cainthus is another machine vision organization that uses deep learning techniques to detect crows. It uses facial recognition characteristics to detect crows in less than six seconds by recognizing their facial features. Also, this technique is expert at monitoring massive herds to spare human time for other better purposes. The company uses cow's body shape to detect lameness in them and alert the farmer for acting accordingly.
AI in the coming years assists farmers to foresee the demands of their crops in the coming year in advance. These machines will work like drones capturing and sharing real-time farm images and giving farmers more time to react to the worst situation.
People can apply AI to any field or market to reduce problems with extraordinary business-based solutions. It is becoming a fundamental approach towards every issue as humans change their minds towards improving the world.
However, AI will amaze humans with its incredible superpowers by 2050, but there might be a significant risk of privacy loss. It is a reality that AI’s dependence on big data is influencing human privacy significantly. Two examples of technology gone wild, including Cambridge Analytica’s Facebook shenanigans and Amazon’s Alexa eavesdropping. Hence, it requires a proper plan of regulations and limitations above critics to avoid its worse effects.

Apple CEO Tim Cook highlighted Facebook and Google as obsessive about data mining in his 2015 speech.
"They are gobbling up everything they can learn about you and trying to monetize it. We think that's wrong."
Cook explained his point of view while talking in Brussels, Belgium:
"Advancing AI by collecting huge personal profiles is laziness, not efficiency. For artificial intelligence to be genius, it must respect human values, including privacy; if we get this wrong, the dangers are profound."
Read more: AI influences person's security and trust
So, humans should implement AI responsibly; otherwise, it will steal all personal information in the coming year, and there will be no concept of privacy in the future. The UK researchers published a paper regarding human rights and privacy where they show anxiety about the involvement of AI in everyday life functioning. They explained that robots would do the jobs (even household) for humans to give them comfort but, in return, disturb their privacy. The authors mentioned:
"AI can benefit society if implemented responsibly. However, as in the case with most emerging technology, there is a real risk that commercial and state use has a detrimental impact on human rights."
Cheers :)