Top 10 Integral Checkpoints for Web Developers to Follow before a Website Launch

Several factors play a pivotal role in a website's online success. That means attracting visitors, meeting business goals, & finding a problem solution; all these are the core of developing a sustainable online venture. Thus, to keep your things on track, keep the web development checklist in mind.

Top 10 Integral Checkpoints for Web Developers to Follow before a Website Launch
Integral Checkpoints for Web Developers

There are almost 2 billion websites functioning in the digital space. After the pandemic, the world has thrived & shifted towards online shopping dramatically. This sudden outburst has focused on building their online ventures through websites. Whether a start-up or an enterprise-level business, the struggle of being noticed in such a cluttered space is a hustle.

The task of attracting consumers to an online portal is a never-ending process. One has to evolve with technological advancements, feature integrations, security upliftment, coding exceptions, and more. Even after keeping up with the ever-changing digital needs, it is hard for sites to engage organic traffic.

In addition, of course, it does not end here, my friend! It is even more challenging to convert the traffic into loyal consumers, i.e., to ensure that they stay & make their purchase decisions.

Dealing with so many minute things might make your attention go haywire. Therefore, here is a checklist for you that will help check the essential integrations to enhance the essential qualities of an effective website.

#1 Increase Website Security with an SSL certificate

SSL certificate is a metric for Google to rank the website on its search engine. This site protocol efficiently transfers the visitor’s personal information between the website and your database. The Secure Socket Layer prevents the respective information from others reading it, while in transit. The increased website security with an SSL certificate allows an online business a bit of an SEO boost above its competitors. Therefore, if you have missed this security integration, you should buy SSL and install it on your website. This will eventually help gain the online trust of the users with an organic increase in engagement.

#2 Secure Your Domain Name

With domain hoarding on a rise, you need to secure your domain name as early as possible. Shortlisting such an important branding step might hamper your business in the end. It becomes expensive to hold up a domain name for a while. The best decision for you is to buy a name as soon as you find it suitable for your online venture. It automatically adds up to the qualities of a good website.

#3 Web Hosting & storage Options

You will need to set up web hosting and storage options for your files and scripts depending on the project. It is a common practice during the development stage to code and deploy sites offline on a local host or a staging site hosted on another domain.

Set up of web hosting and storage options is very important. It will help you in handling your scripts and technology in a safe & secure place. For instance, if you have used Express.js to develop a website, then one must acquire a hosting plan, which supports the framework of the web development.

#4 SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization organically helps a website to rank on Google & gets attraction from the users resulting in profitability. Some of the essential optimizations which you need to keep up with our page loading speed, user analytics, Meta tags, keyword integrations, UI/UX functionalities, and more. These SEO norms do keep on changing with every digital development across the globe. Thus, one must cope with keeping the SEO of the web development crisp and clear to rank in a short time span for better response & brand goodwill.

#5 Scripts & Languages for Coding

One must trust their expertise when it comes to planning a script or language for the website. You need to consider your own understanding related to a particular script. For example, if you know Drupal or WordPress, then without any second thought, the PHP framework is what one should opt for. Known & clear facts about a language or a script save a lot of time to develop a user-friendly web venture.

#6 Mapping a Design

Designing is the most prominent part of attracting and engaging your desired audience to the online portal. Ensure that you talk with your design team or designers to create the best user-friendly design for the site. If you have decided upon a WordPress theme, make sure you have its PSD files and design with your designers. The entire team has to be on the same page when planning an intuitive design that will further lay the pioneer for features every successful website must have along with its functionalities.

#7 External Tools & Services Integration

Integrating an external tool or service saves a lot of time and effort for the development team. Incorporating such an external tool manages the overall workflow of the team and helps them in focusing on some other important tasks.

There are varied tools and services that improve web development functionality. For instance, if you are planning to add emails, what better integration than MailChimp or Mandrill, both the platforms are capable of handling bulk emails at a time with many other respective features. Such known third parties will also enhance your site’s branding & results in indirect marketing.

#8 Bug Elimination Strategy

At times, even the best coders get major errors and bug issues. There is no point in worrying about such arising coding errors. Instead, plan a bug-eliminating strategy.

Whenever a bug appears in the code, tackle it in real-time and fix them as early as possible. Web development is an ongoing process, the best coding tools help an individual in finding, updating, & maintaining coding scripts of a solution. Thus, it keeps up the qualities of good website management in the eyes of your targeted audience.

#9 Cross-Browser Testing

Check whether all your intended browsers and platforms work on your local dev setup. Other important aspects to look for in such web development testing are element alignment, HTML/CSS issues in the browser, font rendering, API connections, etc. Such testing will help a solution to a major online fiasco.

#10 Website Migration

If you are someone who has decided to migrate his or her website, then you need to have a pre-launch road map along with a post-launch road map. Pre-launch consists of checking up on all your information being transferred successfully onto the desired platform. Every design, feature, etc. is navigating great.

For the post-launch of course, you will have to come up with some great ideas to sustain the digital competition. It also has to have a plan of new tech integrations & functionalities to achieve the business goals in real-time.


An unending list! There is no set formula for winning a digital race; one can only succeed by testing & trying different methods. These 10 checkpoints are the essential ones to ensure that you get a profitable business online. Keep innovating your website in real-time and get along into the digital space giving a hard time to your competitors. Evolve with the tech advancements online!